Wednesday 26 March 2014

Spending in the restaurant

I have to say we overdid it this month with spending! We went out three times for a meal. In last year we went just a few times for special occasional but nothing like 3x in one month!

We usually cook at home and then invite our friends for a meal. This month we went out for my birthday. We got gift voucher but we still had to pay for a drinks and service (and train tickets to London) and that wasn't cheap. Then we went out twice for dinner with friends and our bills for two people were £66 and £63! It is just me or is eating out really, really expensive?

Source: Web


When we  cook I always do a quick adding and our meal usually cost below £3 per portion! So spending over £30 is quite scary. Also our weekly shop is these days around £55 per a week (2 adults + 2 cats). So basically we spend two weeks budget for a food just going out twice!

Source: Web
My second job is working in the restaurant so I really don't miss going out very much, because I see "the out" every week! :-)
With my husband we always try to get our friends to do home party. You can still see your friend but not overspend. Also it so nice not to be disturbed by other people. I hope we will do better in the future and leave going out only for special occasion. I better save a little bit and put it towards our mortgage.

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