Monday 2 June 2014

Does your cat use the toilet?

Our cats are house trained. We have a inside toilet + outside toilet too. We keep our cats locked in for a night, because of possible traffic accidents and our cats not being the most clever ones. Also we sleep better if we know that they are in and save. :-)
Our cats will not use the loo during the night. Only if they really, really need it. They just don't like smelly house. :-)
It doesn't bother us, only thing is they will not use even the outside toilet when let out in the morning!
They will use our garden!
This weekend I have even saw Meowgi using toilet as a bed! Micka did that a few weeks ago.  Do you think that the problem is that our toilets are just too clean? You know not smelling like a toilet should do? I clean it with Dettol wipes + gloves. So it doesn't smell of cats pee.

I use reusable clothes for cleaning a house (to be ECO and it is also cheaper) but one has to make a line somewhere and if it is about cats mess than I go for the most bacteria free option. Luckily we never had a pee mess anywhere in the house (on the carper or floor). We sometimes have to deal with cat throwing up/ hair balls. Usually just Vanish for carpets will do the trick and our carpets are cream! You have to be just quick as the cat staff is very acidic!

That top tray is the inside toilet. It is usually in (so it doesn't get wet when raining). We put it outside when nice weather + open back door. I thought that maybe they will like it there and use it instead of my flower bed.

But no, bed it is. I just hope that they are not using our neighbours gardens for a loo too. Speak about trying to grow some veg! :-)

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