Wednesday 22 October 2014

Nursery continues

Slowly but surely we are doing up our nursery.
This is our progress. (sorry about dark photos - blame it on energy saving bulbs)

The chest of drawers is finally in the place. Rob still has to finish the handles. Unfortunately he bought only 8 screws for 8 handles (they need 2 each!) :-)) Then he ran to the Homebase again, but they didn't have any, then he drove to Guildford Homebase, but they already closed for a day! Ha, ha. So he has to still finish it.
I did finish the changing mat cover.

Then I have also tried to wash the sheep skins from my parents. They had them stored for years and years (30 or so) and they were lovely but a little bit too smelly (as stored sheep for 30 years). I have first tried to wash the small lamb one. On cold with a little bit of non bio and it survived! Smell is lovely now (as clean sheep) and it is whiter! Then I tried the bigger one and unfortunately it didn't survive very well. It teared and it looked very raw when washed + wet. It is dry and OK now but it had to have some different "cleaning" process then the lamb one.
I will use the lamb one for a baby pushchair and the big one for a mat in the nursery. Firstly I will have to cut them both.

this one is the small lamb one. So nice and soft.

 Really lovely fur.

This one is the big one

I had to sew it together while still wet. It wasn't nice work!

Fortunately you can't see the stiching when on the right side.

This is how our nursery looks now. Sheep skins has to be up, otherwise our cats will make them hairy. Meowgi just loves them!
This lamp we got from Robs mum. She didn't need it. I am still waiting for a grey chevron fabric (still not in the stock). Pieces of fabric & paint are everywhere but we are getting there. Next is to finish the third sheet (sewing them because the cot has funny measurements) then figure out the picture frames.

This is more the real colour/ shade of sheep skins.

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