Tuesday 8 July 2014

Oh, the builders!

This week we are in the process of changing our 20 years old boiler.

Hura! (the Czech spelling). It doesn't go very smooth so far.
When they were the previous owners building the extension and adding utility room + bathroom, they did not build any hatch - access into the extension attic. It means that we had to first get that installed. Easy you say. We called the friends builders to do it.

It looks good. We have to just paint it white.

But it wasn't as pink as it looked. When we arrived back from our Cornwall holiday the attic access was done. It look pretty. Then my husband went to the bathroom and that when the fun hit the fan. Hmm, the light doesn't work. Hmm, the extractor doesn't too. I wonder what has happened?

The clever builders probably cut the wiring in the attic for a bathroom. Then they tried to fix it. Exhibit A: electric tape on wiring. Have to say it didn't work. Exhibit B: 4 lose wires not connected to anything.

So now we don't have any light in the bathroom + no hot water because the boiler man is changing it (it will take 3 days).
 My husband is at home trying to find a good electrician to have a look at our messed up wires and get him to install some new light next to the attic hatch. Oh, I am so lucky to be at works (plural as I am doing the second job too).

After 13 hours of work,  I will come home to no light, no hot water, mess everywhere + my poor husband all stressed. I hope it is only for a few days and then we can enjoy really, really hot bath and if it has to be with a candels for a light so be it! :-)))

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