Monday 14 April 2014

Garden time!

Yesterday was another beautiful sunny day here in Surrey. We have spent it as usually tidying and gardening.  I have finally planted some seeds. I have been a little bit late this year but at least with this weather everything will grow very quickly.
This year I am planing to grow, peas,  runner beans, potatoes, tomatoes ( I have 3 different kinds of them) and some french dwarf beans too.

We have given up on radishes ( grow them 3 times last year and they never have any bulb, only really pretty leaves) spring onions (never really did anything) onions (got eaten by slugs), carrots (didn't grow big enough), parsnips ( grow only pretty leaves), and various salads (grow straight into flowers).

This is my window growing so far. I have planted some flowers too.

 My pots are actually bottoms of PET water bottles. Reused twice now. Why spend any money on pots when you can have them free? I really like them because you can see how "moist" the soil is.

These are reused pots too. They are supermarket fruit "box". Tesco is selling strawberries in them. I am growing peas, runner beans and french beans. It is much quicker to grow them like that. I just put some wet paper towel in and then put seeds between. It will take about a week and they will have "shots" Then I will plant them straight outside.

I have again cleaned and cleared our garden. Also planted a few slug and snail proof plants.
Plants which were starting to have the "eaten" look I have put into some pots with slug tape. I hope that they will survive it.

The garden looks a little bit bare without any of my vegetables but next month it will look so much greener. Here are some of my beautiful flowers.

I love this picture. It will probably end up on the wall!

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