Friday 11 April 2014

Cat with the hole

I wasn't writing for a while. We had very, very stressful week. My husband's dad had a heart attack. He is after operation and at home. When visiting him just hours after he was released from the hospital we have found him eating chocolate cake! So he has to be better. :-)
Then our cat Meowgi was not well. He got attacked last Friday and has been not eating for almost 2 days. Then  he got a little bit better and started eating and being like his cuddly himself when we found this big, big golf size ball in his tummy!

That is when we found it. Meowgi likes good tummy rub.
So next day before my work I took him to the VET and he straight went for operation. He had abscess. VET opened it, drained and cleaned it. It has to stay open so it will keep draining and slowly closing and healing.
Meowgi looked quite full of energy after operation!

Cat with abscess from rodent bite
For a cat with a hole he is very cuddly and playful. Probably some painkillers and antibiotics helped too. :-) We have to also clean it with salty water. Meowgi actually likes it and he wanted to drink it too!

It wasn't fun this morning to force feed our boy with pills + lliquid antibiotics. :-(   Anyway after that he has been sick! So we are not sure if his medication has any chance of working.  He didn't seems to be bothered with it too much. After he run outside and played with Micka!

Micka was very sad too yesterday. She was at home alone when Meowgi was at VET and she was missing him.This is her favourite spot at the moment. Sitting on my sewing box on top of the bookcase. :-)

She can get very comfy there and spent there all evening. Also I have a little bit problem with Meowgi not be able to jump up our fences. It means that he can't go to the loo into the wilderness and he has to use our garden. :-( Even so we have cat outside toilet! He is using my herb garden at the moment. I am not sure that my herbs will survive it.


Will spend this weekend cleaning it and watering it properly. We will probably skip this year on using these herbs for cooking. :-)

And I have to put here picture of my lovely tulips! They survived slugs and snails and they are looking so pretty!

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