Tuesday 20 October 2015

7 most useless baby purchases

After a lots of consideration and hours of looking through Internet we still ended up buying some baby stuff which proved completely useless. So this is our list of no needed stuff.

1. Breastfeeding cushion. One day my husband came home from his work and  tells me that I have to have breastfeeding cushion, because "girls at work" find it really useful. So I went on e-bay (of course where else) and bought one. How many times I have used it? About 1 time for 2 1/2 minute! I just found it too big and gruesome to use.

2. Baby carriers (3 of them). I was all for carrying our baby around. You know doing washing with baby strapped to me atd. Unfortunately our baby boy hated any form of "being strapped" I tried the Moby wrap, The baba sling and also the Lillebaby carrier (bought for full price from Mothercare!). I gave it a try with all of them, but no Sami wasn't happy and also I found it very uncomfortable carrying 8kg of wriggling weight around.

3. Nuk glass bottles. I have been so excited about them. They looked so good and very proper. After a day of trying to feed Sami he wasn't happy and didn't want to drink from them! I then bought just a basic Avent bottles and he liked them straight away. It shows that your baby doesn't care how hi-tech stuff you get.

4. Swaddling blanket. As with baby wraps/ slings, any form of strapping wasn't comfortable for our baby boy. He just screamed bloody murder until we unwrapped him.

5. Ewan the dream sheep. Yep, it promised the sleep and big fat NO. At least I didn't buy it for a full price. Got it from e-bay for £15 and after 3 months of on and off trying I just sold it. It didn't have any effect on our screamer.

6.The Hypnobirthing book & CD. When I was heavily pregnant I spend every morning & evening (sometimes even in the bath) listening Hypnobirthing CD. My husband was always joking that our baby will think that he is a whale (you know all of that noise from a sea). In the end I had to be induced and had a forceps birth. Thanks god for a gas & air!

7. Bumper for a cot. I have handmade one! Unfortunately Sami likes to sleep with his face touching the sides. I was for ever scared, that he will suffocate when he will put his face against the bumper so it has to go.

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